This document begins with a single question. According to quantum physics, matter exists as a probability. However, is the probability space truly empty and devoid of meaning? What if that space is actually a part of matter? What implications would that have?

In dividing matter into space and particles, what characteristics do space and particles possess? It has been revealed that photons exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties. Similarly, electrons have been shown to possess both particle and wave characteristics. This laid the foundation for the birth of quantum physics. If we consider the particles in the left model, which we previously understood as matter, as something with both particle and wave properties, we can assume that space symbolizes something else. In that case, the dots in the hypothesis on the right would represent something similar or identical to photons. The probability space could be seen as a world akin to that of photon-ish matter, bound within it.
Ether and Sparkle
If that's the case, what is the probability space? Assuming that the mass of a photon-ish matter is also zero, just like the photon with zero mass, we can assume that what has mass is space. A photon in a vacuum state travels at the speed of light. On the other hand, photon-ish matter bound by mass would have a slower speed. If the mass of space increases, the speed of photon-ish matter would decrease, and vice versa. The universe is what photons can travel through. If the space of a photon is the entire universe, then the universe of photon-ish matter can be considered a probability space with mass.

Let's pause for a moment. Instead of ‘photon-ish matter’ and ‘probability space of mass,’ let's give them different names. We'll call the probability space Ether, and the photon-ish matter will be referred to as Sparkle. I acknowledge that using the term Ether, an obsolete concept, may lead to misunderstandings, but that's my choice. I can't find a more fitting word than this

So, what happens when Sparkle reaches the boundary within Ether? There's no answer to that question, but for the hypothesis to hold, it must be impossible to escape beyond Ether. The structure of Ether could be considered as a space that has no end, whether it's a three-dimensional Möbius strip or a more complex structure
The universe is said to be expanding, where space is stretching. Let's look at the diagram below. The speed of light is always constant. I believe this is the absolute unit we can consistently measure in the universe. Speed is the ratio of distance to time. In other words, using the speed of light, we can posit absolute distance and absolute time. With absolute distance, we can shift our perspective to see that space in the universe is not expanding but rather emerging.

Now, let's rewind time and go back to the early moments of the Big Bang. Let's rewind time until the point where the size of the universe is an absolute distance. In this scenario, where does the light go? If it disappears, the first law of thermodynamics is violated. I believe that this light will return to the universe through some spatial structure.
The structure of Ether would likely be similar.
Properties of Ether
Let's reconstruct the double-slit experiment for electrons based on the hypothesis. This famous experiment illustrates the duality of waves and particles. Electrons pass through both slits simultaneously, but upon observation, they appear to exist at only one of the slits. Ultimately, this results in the formation of diffraction patterns.

The space can be divided
If we reinterpret this according to the hypothesis, we can assume that Ether has been separated by the two slits. The space called Ether has split into two in the three-dimensional coordinate system that we refer to as space, but Sparkle can freely move between these two spaces. They are still the same space, the same Ether. The appearance of diffraction patterns signifies that both split Ethers each contain one Sparkle. This implies that Ether is something other than the space as we know it in the coordinate system. It can be separated but still remains a connected space.
Another characteristic of Ether and Sparkle would be their observability. Science has observed only Sparkle until now. Assuming the existence of Ether, it would have mass but remain unobservable.
Sparkle-Independent Ether
From the assumptions made so far, we can derive the properties of photons. Since the mass of a photon is zero, we can say that a photon is a Sparkle not bound by Ether. In other words, the Ether of a photon would be the entire universe. We assumed the existence of matter as a composite of Ether and Sparkle, and a photon as a Sparkle independent of Ether. Then, we may wonder if there could be Sparkle-independent Ether, the opposite concept of a photon. It is unobservable but a material with mass. Can such a thing really exist?
To speculate on what Sparkle-independent Ether might be, let's examine Niels Bohr's atomic model.

In Bohr's atomic model, when an electron absorbs photons (energy) of a specific wavelength, the orbit of the electron increases by an integer denoted as ‘n,’ and when it emits photons of that wavelength, the orbit decreases. The orbits of electrons making up an atom do not gradually increase when absorbing energy. Instead, they abruptly change, like the transition between numbers in a digital clock rather than the smooth movement of an analog clock. When the electron transitions from orbit 1 to orbit 2, it doesn't go through increments like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4...; it just becomes 2. This abrupt change with a discrete nature, possessing the property of quantity, is called a quantum, and it gave rise to quantum mechanics.
Let's reconsider this model by imagining that Sparkle-independent photons transform into Ether-independent Sparkles with mass, entering the space between orbits. Think of the energy of light entering the atom as being transformed into Ether where Sparkles do not exist.

The Sparkle known as a photon is converted into Ether, or mass equivalent to its corresponding energy, and positions itself between the electron and the atomic nucleus. Consequently, the orbit of the electron increases. Conversely, when releasing energy, Ether transforms back into Sparkle, exiting in the form of a photon, and the electron's orbit decreases. When an atom absorbs a photon, it means that the mass equivalent to the energy of the photon is restored as unobservable Ether between the electron cloud, abruptly! This explains why the electron's orbit doesn't gradually increase or decrease. Let's name this substance determining the electron's orbit, which was a Sparkle and has now transformed into Ether, ‘photon-Ether.’
Photon-Ether is Ether without Sparkle, having mass but being unobservable. Is this possible? In the following chapters, we will explore the existence of photon-Ether and attempt to provide evidence. If the photon-Ether absorbed by the electron exhibits regular properties, it could serve as proof for its existence.